Piano Lessons            Transition EP

Piano Lessons

(please note I have copied some older reviews across from The East Dulwich Forum.)

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 15 reviews
 by Jamie Trentham on Roksana Wawrzyniecka
Lessons with Roksana

I have been taking lessons with Roksana for the last 3 years and I couldn't recommend her highly enough. I have learned how to read sight music confidently when I had only played by ear before, and have taken piano grade exams which I'd always avoided when I was younger. I've also performed for audiences at the regular concerts Roksana arranges which has helped my confidence playing in front of others (and even presenting to big groups at work!). I've also learned a lot from Roksana about music theory and composition and wrote my own piece to perform at the most recent concert, such an amazing experience! 🙂

 by Judith Silver on Roksana Wawrzyniecka
Lovely lessons...

I've been having lessons with Roksana since soon after we met by wonderful serendipity on a train to Brighton in September 2015. I find her instincts, skill and sensitivity as a teacher spot on (and I'm a teacher myself, so very tuned in to this!). She's managing to help me overcome some very old blocks to being able to play, and it's not an exaggeration to say this is a healing process as well as a very practical one. I'm very grateful to Roksana, love working with her and would highly recommend her to anyone.

 by Debbie on Roksana Wawrzyniecka
Piano Lessons

Roksana has been my piano teacher for 20 months and in that time I have gone from grade 1-3, which is testament to her wonderful teaching ability. She is fantastically encouraging and clearly an expert at helping you work through your weaknesses, which she does with humour and much patience. As others have mentioned she puts great focus on fundamentals - rhythm and sightreading and as she helps you improve in these areas you are imbued with confidence and enthusiasm, despite the inevitable frustrations! I have wanted to learn the piano for a long time and am so grateful to have found Roksana, she is a wonderful teacher who I highly recommend.

 by Taz on Roksana Wawrzyniecka

I had Roksana as my piano teacher for over a year. Unfortunately I had to give up for personal reasons, but I was very sad to do so. I had taken piano lessons in my hometown when I was much younger but never seemed to progress very far and I think the focus was too much on getting every note right. Roksana’s approach is different. She taught me to focus more on rhythm rather than accuracy, and hard though it is to begin with, after a while, the penny dropped and it made complete sense giving me courage to push the boundaries and just have fun with it rather than beating myself up over a wrong note here and there. She is so patient and cheerful and her obvious enthusiasm made me feel at the end of every lesson that I can do this!

 by Ash on Roksana Wawrzyniecka

My wife bought me piano lessons as a surprise gift for my birthday. (After extensive research on this forum). <br />
Truly one of the best gifts I've ever received. I was unable to read music and hadn't touched a piano for thirty years.(I'm forty now). Roksana has shown patience, diligence and experience. I'm now able to sight read and almost ready to sit my grade one after only four months. <br />
I would highly recommend Roksana to anyone who wants to learn the piano, novice or experienced player.

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Transition EP

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 5 reviews
 by Steve on Transition EP

I enjoy live music very much, especially piano music because it has so much more depth and expression.
I look forward to more of your downloads, maybe something with more tempo, its great to have a diversity.

 by Andy on Transition EP
All Titles

I've just listened to Roksana's music in full for the very first time and have had the most beautiful hour. Exciting, dramatic and above all moving. I adored 'Transition', was lifted by 'Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence' and smiled tons through the delightful 'Butterfly Lullaby'. This is tremendously evocative and touching music by a genuine composer of the heart! Thank you for making my day!

 by Satish on Transition EP

I’m very new to piano music and I really enjoyed this album. Listening to it, you get the feeling that a lot of passion has been put into creating the music. The tracks blend in well with one another (my favourite is Transition) and I can't help having a feeling of calmness by the end of the album.

 by Mac on Transition EP
Moths night

Makes you think and wonder! Why is this piece titled moths night?
I try to imagine im a moth flying around a light and then try to relate and compare myself (as a moth of course) to the tune.
True music for the heart and mind. GREAT STUFF

 by Jordan on Transition EP
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Such a delight and pleasure to listen too.

We all can listen music with our ears, but not all music can be heard with the heart. The piano is a very distinctive instrument and has its very own charcteristics, i think this is why notes, tunes and melodies from it are so much more expressive and those who enjoy it can feel that much connected to it compared to other instruments.